Pain “ALL In The Brain”?: The Dangerous Oversimplification of Pain Science


In the world of pain management, we've observed a dramatic swing—from attributing chronic pain solely to physical causes to now, spotlighting the brain's role in pain through groundbreaking pain neuroscience research on neuroplasticity. This narrative shift, while enriching, teeters towards an extreme, suggesting "all pain is all in the brain."

Modern pain science is a huge step forward, certainly highlighting neuroplasticity, the brain, and pain, are connected. However, this newer mind-body narrative in pain management is a gross oversimplification of chronic pain and overlooks just how truly complex pain is.


Our understanding of pain can be traced back to the Renaissance era and the theories of Rene Descartes, who likened the human body to a machine, where pain signals travel through a single channel to the brain, suggesting a very simplified, straightforward mechanical model of pain.

This is debatably the origin of our long-standing belief that pain is purely physical and has directed the focus of pain treatment towards physical remedies, casting physicians in the role of mechanics.

Yet, despite significant advancements in pain research, the medical community largely adheres to this oversimplified mechanical model, perpetuating the idea that pain directly correlates with physical injury or disease.


Focusing excessively on the physical aspects of pain, we overlook the complexity of pain experiences, leading to treatments like surgery or nerve blocks that may not provide lasting relief or, worse, exacerbate conditions.

This narrow focus on mechanical explanations leaves a significant gap when physical causes can't be identified, pushing the narrative toward pain being "all in the head."

Such a leap not only overlooks the nuanced reality of pain but also subjects individuals to feel neglected and overlooked, and leads to self-blame and shame, intensifying their suffering and fosters a harmful stigma around chronic pain, reinforcing a cycle of medical trauma and misunderstanding.


Over the last two decades, groundbreaking research has unveiled the intricate dance between pain and the brain, challenging our reliance on physical evidence for pain sources.

Advanced imaging technologies, once hailed as diagnostic saviors, now reveal that abnormalities like disc bulges or arthritis often don't align with pain experiences. This has spotlighted the limitations of a purely mechanical view of pain.

Studies, including those using fMRI, have mapped a complex pain neuromatrix in the brain, underscoring pain as a multifaceted experience influenced by emotions, memories, and sensory input.

This shift towards recognizing the brain's role in pain, highlighted by insights into neuroplasticity, marks a significant departure from conventional models, revealing pain as a deeply personal and complex phenomenon that transcends mere physical explanations.


As groundbreaking research sheds light on pain's complexity, revealing it as a deeply personal experience shaped by numerous factors beyond the physical, we witness a seismic shift in the pain discourse.

The older, mechanical model of pain, rigid in its physicality, now shows cracks, unable to account for every pain experience or guarantee relief through physical treatments alone.

This evolution in understanding has propelled the brain and nervous system to the forefront of the pain management conversation.

Today, we're amidst a rising tide of mind-body hype, with an ever-louder chorus claiming that pain is solely a cerebral affair, turning "pain is all in the brain" into a prevailing narrative.

This shift marks a dramatic departure from traditional views, placing the spotlight squarely on the mind and its role in chronic pain.


The narrative around pain management is increasingly promoting the idea that pain is purely a mental or emotional phenomenon, a mere output of the brain that can be controlled or eradicated by addressing our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions.

This simplification suggests that by reducing stress, avoiding catastrophization, and convincing ourselves of our safety, we can essentially "self-brainwash" away the pain.

Some advocates in the pain relief sphere dilute the science to claim pain is just a fight-or-flight response, while others link it to repressed emotions or trauma, suggesting that resolving these underlying issues through practices like journaling or trauma therapy can entirely eliminate pain.


Indeed, the brain's influence on pain is undeniable. However, the current trend of attributing all pain exclusively to psychological factors is an overreach.

This oversimplification neglects the complexity of pain and overlooks the significant physical and biological processes involved.

As we witness the pendulum swing to this opposite extreme, the frustration and challenges it spawns are becoming increasingly evident.

Individuals engaging in mind-body techniques, such as meditation or journaling, find themselves trapped in a cycle of self-blame, believing their persistent pain signals a personal failure in application.

Others have delved into repressed emotions or past traumas either finding no substantial issues to address or, despite extensive emotional work, seeing no change in their pain.

Some feel their pain doesn’t align with the mind-body model due to relatively stress-free lives, positive childhoods, or physical injuries, creating a dissonance with the notion that their pain is entirely mental.

This narrative also leads some to neglect potentially helpful physical treatments, reinforcing a stigmatizing blame and shame cycle.

These stories underscore the downsides of a generalized approach to pain, advocating for a broader, more inclusive perspective.

Demanding mental causation to the exclusion of physical realities not only undermines the tangible aspects of pain but also risks harm by dismissing necessary physical interventions.

Pain, after all, involves the body's movements, muscle imbalances, and stiffness—issues that require physical remedies alongside any mental strategies for a holistic approach to health and wellness.


The landscape of pain research is vast and continuously evolving, painting a picture far more complex than previously imagined. While it's clear the brain is pivotal in pain perception, this is but a fraction of the story.

Research demonstrates the spinal cord's role in processing sensory information, revealing its plasticity and capacity to alter pain perception.

Additionally, our bodies can modulate pain signals through the release or inhibition of natural chemicals like morphine, serotonin, and endorphins, affecting pain intensity without additional physical harm.

Moreover, nerves adapt to internal and environmental changes by altering their receptors, enhancing their sensitivity to potential threats.

This intricate web extends to the spinal cord, peripheral nerves, immune and endocrine systems, gut health, diet, and the physical state of our muscles and joints.

Acknowledging the breadth of factors involved in pain urges us to move beyond simplistic explanations, embracing the complexity that encompasses not just the neural but also the physiological and environmental aspects of our pain experiences.

This multifaceted view encourages a more holistic and nuanced approach to understanding and treating pain, highlighting the ongoing journey of discovery in pain science.


Adhering to extreme views on pain—whether labeling it purely mechanical or solely a brain-based phenomenon—does us a disservice, potentially sidelining effective treatments.

Pain's reality is multifaceted, spanning physical, psychological, and neurological dimensions.

This complexity demands a multifactorial treatment strategy that harmonizes the body, mind, and nervous system without over-relying on a singular theory.

A holistic method integrates physical methods (like therapy and exercise) with mind-body techniques (including meditation and mindfulness) and innovative nervous system retraining (such as sensory discrimination).

This comprehensive method doesn't search for a magic fix but combines diverse strategies, addressing the layered experience of pain for a truly tailored solution.


In summary, we've explored the evolving perspectives on pain, from purely physical to deeply psychological, highlighting the intricate connection between the mind, body, and the often-undervalued nervous system.

This complex interplay of variables contributing to pain highlights the need for a more comprehensive approach to pain management, bridging the divide between conventional models and the brain-centric view. 

Navigating the path of chronic pain can feel overwhelming and isolating, but you don't have to walk it alone. Its essential to integrate this nervous system component without sidelining the physical or emotional dimensions of pain. 

If you're reevaluating your pain management journey, and seeking a more balanced approach, I'm here to provide in-depth insights and personalized guidance. 

Schedule a complimentary Pain Care Call where we'll delve into your unique situation and outline a tailored, evidence-based strategy for you.

Shifting from merely managing pain to actively treating it—and transitioning from merely surviving to fully thriving—requires both knowledge and proactive steps.

Often, the journey towards significant transformation begins with a single, meaningful conversation.

Don't let pain define your story. Click here to book your free Pain Care Call and take the first step toward a life where pain no longer holds the reins.

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I'm Dr. Alissa Wolfe


I am a chronic pain specialist and it's my aim to empower individuals who are fed up and frustrated with stubborn pain get their lives back, by addressing the hidden issue involving overactive pain pathways.




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Hi, I'm Dr. Alissa Wolfe


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